What everyone wants to know when the topic of Max and his hearing loss and recent hearing aids is: "Do you notice a difference, is he talking/understanding better?" My answer is always yes, absolutely. He is doing great, making big strides and actually listening when I tell him not to punch his brother in the face again. However, almost on a daily basis he throws out a gem of a one liner that leaves me questioning. Does this kid get it? Here is just one sample of things I hear on a daily basis.
Max and I are enjoying some alone time together while Jackson is out sledding. This is the part where I have to admit something. No, I am not being a good mom making cookies with my boy, I was just trying to get out of going out in the bitter 4 degree weather to go sledding with him. I let Jack go out on his own, he is old enough. Max on the other hand, well if he goes, I go. Thus the cookie making bribe. OK, so back to the point of this post....here we are making cookies and Max starts grabbing knifes and flinging them on the counter. I immediately start in on how little boys can not touch knifes. He then replies: "Only Mommy and Daddy can play with knifes?" I answer back: "Well no one is aloud to play with knifes but yes, adults can use them to cut things up." Now this is the questionable statement: "Why Mom, will the hot lava burn you?" Then I think to myself, are we having the same conversation, does this boy comprehend anything?? OK, I know a little bit dramatic but seriously this happens every day! Then I proceed to tell him: "No Max, I will not get burned by lava, the knife might cut me and I will bleed." The best part is he then repeats my sentence in a questioning tone: "the knife will cut you and you will bleed?" As if this is a totally new concept to him.
So yes, he is listening better.....understanding, well that's questionable at this point!!
Probably not quite as funny for you - but that would crack me up. I know a few other kids like that, and as I recall John used to come up with weird stuff like that. Usually came off like he was messing with us though. Hang in there, motherhood is meant to teach us to worry.
Little boys always equate things you're not supposed to touch with hot lava, because Liquid Hot Mag-ma is the pent-ultimate "no touch".
So I'm with Max, getting burned by hot lava for touching a knife is much more believable than being cut and bleeding. Compared to hot lava that's nothing, hence the confusion.
My kids seriously say this same type of stuff. We start out talking about hey be careful with knives they can cut you and hurt your. Before I know it I have NO idea what we are talking about, I do not know how to respond and we are some how talking about Lava, Guys falling from airplanes, grenade launchers, or dinosaurs. I do not know how this crazy stuff gets in their brain, but why is it so hard to teach such a basic principle like "Hey knives will cut you man!"
LOL... I love Max... and his family ;)
Max's daddy said"Open the door on my banana," and "The snake's all neck!" Hot lava beware. Nana
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