Thursday, April 22, 2010

Jack's big day

A few months ago I sat down Jackson and asked him if he wanted to have a birthday party or his baptism on his birthday. Without hesitation, he answered GET BAPTIZED!! I was pretty impressed with his answer considering my boys talk and plan their birthday parties years in advance. Just ask Max what kind of party he wants when he turns ten and he'll fill you in on all of the details.

A lot of religions baptize their children at a very young age. Latter Day Saints believe in baptism at the age of 8 which we call the age of accountability. It is an age that children should know right from wrong and thus be held accountable for their sins. By being baptized, we covenant with God to take upon Christ's name, keep his commandments and to serve him. If we do these things, the Lord will bless us for being faithful. I was amazed to see tremendous growth in Jackson this past year and truly see that he was ready to take this big step.

Jackson is a pretty hands on kind of a guy so I let him plan everything down to the last detail. He asked his Nana and best pal Andy to give talks, have his Grandma and Grandpa say prayers and chose three of his favorite songs to sing. Here is Jack before the big event.
Jackson was thrilled to have both sets of Grandparents fly in for the occasion.

A proud Mama and one excited son.

I'm glad Max was here for all of the excitement. He now thinks that he might want to get baptized.
Father and son dressed to the nine after the baptism.

I'll never forget the service, it turned out to be extremely sweet and memorable.


Hot Diggity Daws said...

Hooray Jack we are so proud of you! I can tell it was very special for everyone.

Douglas Family said...

We are so excited for Jackson. Bummed we couldn't be there as well! Thanks for posting pictures, Harrison has started talking about his baptism so seeing pictures of his "big" cousin Jackson is super!