Friday, May 21, 2010

Cuz it's what I do

I have a yearly tradition that started quite a few years back. It's called see how fast I can kill some potted plants. It's so much fun, and totally easy. You should give it a try sometime.

You begin by picking out some pretty flowers at a local garden center. Transplant them into a few cute pots and water. The next step is the tricky part, but I know you can do it if you set your mind to it: forget to water them for about 2 weeks straight, and voila, dead flowers!
I do this for three reasons:
1. I have yet to give up on the idea that I could someday be a fantastic gardener if I could just remember to be!
2. Nothing says welcome to my home like shriveled dead plants on the doorstep.
3. It's how I give directions. It goes a little something like this: "it's the second to last house on the left, just look for the dead flowers."


Hot Diggity Daws said...

I found the dead flowers to be an excellent land marker to find your house! Reminded me of the directions I used to get to houses in New River...Go past the tree that is no longer there, then continue to drive on the road after it ends...and it is the house with the dead flowers on the porch! Welcome!

Oh wait that's right, when I got directions everything was covered in snow including last years dead flowers! :-)

Douglas Family said...

They looked great while they were alive. Maybe you can put a note on your calendar to remind you in the future? Can't do everything well!

Papa Parrish said...

I think I can blame mine on the birds eating them again..they don't die, they start to get smaller...and smaller....Keep trying. I soon as I get javalina,bunny,deer, and quail proof flowers, I will succeed! Nana