Thursday, September 8, 2011

The bed brag post

It all started with a messy garage, some wood, and a dream.

Oh, and a brand spankin' new miter saw....and a dorky mini-van, but that has nothing to do with it, so forget I said anything about it. I've been looking/stalking the anna-white website for quite sometime because I've been wanting to make a bed for Miss Sadie. After we got back from our great trip westward, I decided that now was as good of time as ever, so I plunged right in.
My kids may or may have not been neglected while I was building this masterpiece. Everyone was fed and clothed, but beyond that I can't account for their whereabouts.
After the headboard and foot board were assembled I quickly stained them, and then not so patiently waited for them to dry. (dang humidity)
When the stain dried, I followed it up with some white paint and distressed the heck out of it....hammers were involved and it was quite fun.

In an unrelated note, this is Sadie's new way of posing for the camera and I'm not a big fan. What a cheese ball.
Here is the final product: (I made the quilt too!)
I'm pretty sure that it's a little bit like the Sistine Chapel or some Van Gogh painting in that it's absolutely fabulous, and pictures just don't do it justice.
All kidding aside, I think it turned out pretty good considering I didn't know what the heck I was doing and kind of made things up as I went along. (just don't look too close K?) Sadie Lady loves it and tells me that it is pretty on a daily basis, so I'm satisfied.


Beccarigg said...

WOW!! Like seriously. I bow to your wood working skills and the fact that you were brave enough to attempt something like that! It came out beautifully and the fact that you made the quilt too just secures you the crown for queen of DIY awesomeness! WTG woman!

Maile said...

Love, love, love it! I want to see it in real life!

Cecia said...

You are sort of the bomb dot joke.

liz said...

dude! amazing! I am so impressed. i always dream one day i will learn to work with wood and make cool things. I really wish you lived here we could put together a workshop and take turns buying expensive man power tools and share them and make amazing things together! ok so you probably don't need me, but I would love to learn from your wood skillz!

The Larsens Dec 1 2007 said...

Love it !

Erin said...

Looks great!!!

Cameron and Wendy said...

So can I just have you build Miley's, since I am pretty sure Cameron will never get around to it??? Ha ha...seriously though. That is UH-MAZING! I am totally envious of all your mad woodworking / sewing / quilting skills. The question is, what CAN'T you do?? :) Brag on, Jamie, brag on.

Douglas Family said...

I think it is fabulous! I am so impressed! Love the quilt too!

Parrish said...

The bed looks even better in person. Should I feel like less of a man since my wife now owns more powertools than me?

Hot Diggity Daws said...

You are a greek goddess! Jeez. Just when I am sure you couldn't impress me build a bed with man tools! UnBeLieveAble! Why didn't you learn all these cool skills when we were neighbors!

It's Not Your Fault! said...

Holy cow!! That bed is great. Sorry for the late post, but that is a work of art.

C'mon tell us... John played with your saw... right?