Wednesday, October 29, 2008

On a lighter note....

Not that airing our dirty laundry wasn't fun and all, but I think it's time to move on! This weekend we were all sitting in the kitchen and I looked in our backyard and see these bad boys strolling through! This isn't the best picture, but still cool! There were 11 turkeys walking right on by. I thought it dumb of them to show their faces in pubic this close to Thanksgiving. I guess I don't even know what a martial art is so what do I know! Anyways, I like Jackson's plan after he learned that we do not own a gun and couldn't shoot one down. I quote - "I know, I will throw this lego ship outside, then one of the turkeys will try to eat it and it will choke and die so we can have a turkey for Thanksgiving!" Now why didn't I think of that? He is too funny!

1 comment:

Hot Diggity Daws said...

Poor Jamie, try to change the subject to greener pastuers where only poor turkeys are choking; but no everyone still wants to comment on ankles and Kung-Fu. Feel free to Fed Ex me your legos...