Here are a few things I learned in no particular order:
1. Never let Max outside in high altitudes while the sun is shining or his poor little nose will blister!

2. John is capable of making the UGLIEST FACE KNOWN TO MAN if given a sour warhead. My bellybutton is so enormous that you can see it through my shirt...gross!

3. There are apparently people not as excited as I am to go to Nielson's Frozen Custard the minute it opens. (at 10:30 am) This one I will never understand, who should have to drag their kids to get custard, what kind of a world am I raising my kids in nowadays?

4. Temple reflection pools have to be cooled down too even though no one swims in them. We didn't get to see the reflection due to the "cooling system", but the boys were down for a pose or two.

5. I forgot how much I love the scenery and red rocks or good ole AZ. I need to get back to the Canyon!!

6. How picky Max really is. While all the cousins shoveled candy into their baskets, Max is happy to pick through piece by piece to find the two or three pieces he would like....he' so funny like that!

7. My kids no longer require a babysitter, all I need to do is buy another Nintendo DS and call it good.

8. After a long trip, nothing is better than sleeping in your own bed!!

I learned many other things that I sadly don't have pics for such as what my Mother in Law looks like naked and how cranky a 7 month prego can get on a 24 hour car ride, but I think those are better mental images anyways!
Thanks for the mental image of John's mom...really...I needed that...
Oh you forgot to mention that you got to see two of your favorite people - me and Lins!!!
So glad you were here!!! Really, it was so needed and made life bearable again:) Miss you already...can't wait until September! Plus then I can see the boys.
Oh, and thank goodness you got home safe - crazy John and his wild ideas:) Speaking of which I'm still laughing at this "theory" that he has on men.
Jamie, it was great to see you...wish it was more often. Glad you guys are home safe and we look forward to seeing you guys soon!
Hey, it could have been could have seen your father in law naked! Glad your trip went well. Enjoy your home time!
HAHA! LOVE the pictures! and thinking about your MIL naked is a bit scary!!! I actually pictured her! THANKS A LOT! ;)
also, we didn't get pics at Magelbys, guess we should have! guess that was an obvious highlight of your trip! ;)
It's not a theory, it's science. Beware.
That is great that you got to go to AZ. I think I need to go back for a visit soon.
I like how that last picture it looked like he wsa eating c3po
Dang, Jamie, I thought I was faster with the shower curtain than that. I must be saggy and slow to boot. Sorry, I'm afraid your child will be born with a mother that was traumatized in her pregnancy. I simply forgot that male Parrish types are attracted to my bathtime. Nana
AHHHHHHHHH, Okay your mother in law is freaking me out!
Seriously though, she is cracking me up with her candid and informative nature! Saggy and Slow that is hilarious! She is a funny one.
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