Keep in mind that I am just assuming these things......
But you all know what assumptions can make out you and I right? So please, correct me if I'm wrong.
Why I want a baby girl:
I'm pretty sure when she is potty trained, she won't pee on the toilet seat and onto the floor. Then to make matters worse, she definitely won't use her Mom's make-up brush to "mop" up the mess. (again, just assuming)
I'm also just about positive that this little angel will not be angry with me if I think the cartoon star wars clone wars is totally lame. She will also not throw a tantrum if I will not let her rent it at blockbuster after she has seen it a dozen times.
One last thing, uh er assumption....if I have a girl, eventually there will be more than one person in the house that looks like their hair has been combed in the last 48 hours. Not saying she will be willing, I just won't let a girl look as scraggly as I let my boys do.
On the other hand......
Why I want to have another boy:
ummmm, still thinking.
Just kidding, if I did have another boy, it would be a piece of cake. (just assuming)
I would already know all the silly little tricks like to push his bits and pieces down while changing diapers if I don't want to get an April shower.
I would also know that I would spend about 90% less on baby clothes. (this one is not an assumption but true and honest fact.) Have you been gymboree lately and checked the girl to boy ratio of clothing? 10 to 1 people, 10 to 1
One more thing, I would also (john willing) be able to fulfill Jackson's lifelong dream of having a brother named Luke Skywalker. Who could pass that up?
I guess it's a wash. Either way I'm just hoping for one that is healthy and happy. Oh, and one that loves their Mom like my boys do. (assuming, yet again)
I think that if you named a baby boy Luke Skywalker, Jackson might resent him, because its the name he should've had. He might even go to the Dark Side.
P.S. Would that make John Darth?
I love reading your posts! Pretty hilarious!
Jackson once pinky promised me that he would only go to the dark side if I died, so I think we are safe!
Man, either way I say you would be pretty lucky to have 3 awesome kids that keep you on the move and make sure life is never boring. I am sure John could have accomplished that on his own, but it is nice to have backup. One thing I can say for girls - no assumption about this is chances are you will get a super sassy one that tells you "YOU DO IT" whenever you ask her to help out, or plays limp when you need her to walk, or screams like a GIRL, or takes off her underware just so she can try to poop on the sofa and when you catch her squating she says: "I have a farty" and poops as you hold her and run to the toilet! You could get all of that with a boy as well though the screaming like a girl can be a bit more of a concern. I hope you have a healthy baby as well, and if you have a girl we will all go nuts buying clothes, so you can relax about the excess cost there.
1st...I miss you guys already...(a ton)...especially when Jack fell asleep on me:) LOL.
2nd...I think it's a girl and so that's all that counts:)
3rd...you need a girl.
4th...I can't wait to buy you cute pink baby clothes and throw you a massive shower:)
5th...some day a girl would torture John and that would be reason enough.
Oh ya...I love the Christmas picture. can you insert my head:)LOL...I literally laughed out loud at myself.
Don't forget that little girls ROCK!! I can tell you from experience that JP will absolutely love the experience...
Like you stated so well... happy and healthy is the first order of business... the second is a little girl. I do not know what I'd do without mine...
Luke is gonna be pissed when he finds out that you really wanted Leia.
JAMIE!!! I guess Sandra was right about both of us! And Ron and I were both convinced our little bundle was a girl . . . but as Gavin, Trevor and Ian say, "Boys Rock!" And I'm not spending 90% less on clothes, because I had NOTHING left after 6 years. Congratulations to you guys. Let us know if it's Luke or Leia--if it's Leia, I'll have to get you the pinkest, floweriest, girliest outfit I can find. And if ours surprises us on Feb 26 and turns out to be that 4% error factor, do the same for us!
If it's Leia, can you do those cool braid buns on the ears? That will show those boys a thing or two about hairdos! Nana
I always love the people who are like, I just knew it was a girl and it was. Or I absolutely knew it was a boy, and it was. Come on people! You can't really know, but good guess! They always state these facts after the sex has been determined. Why did they find out the sex if they ALREADY KNEW?!:)
I spent some time hoping for a girl with Lincoln and even bought a few things just in case... Fuller's wife is getting a girl so perhaps those are in the cards these days! After the fact people would say Ahhhh do you wish he was a girl? I think, really are you asking me if I want to send Lincoln back? I wouldn't trade him for any girl.
After 3 boys, if I had one more I might rather have a boy just because I already know everything to do, or maybe I don't just ask everyone in sacrament meeting!
In summary, If you are having a girl I will be thrilled to help provide the girlie dresses and frills. If it is a boy, I will bring my boys over to welcome him to the brotherhood. I am starting to think asking for an easy one would be a good idea! That is my plan for next time, if there is one! :)
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