Glass 1/2 full or 1/2 empty??
I am now officially 20 weeks prego (as of yesterday)! Yippee! To celebrate I did what any other preggers would do with both kids at school......went back to bed. :)
Self portrait of the baby belly. Although it appears that I am also pregnant in my buttocks, I will not be posting any pictures of that any time soon.
You look great! When do you find out the sex?
CUTE!!!!!!!!!!! But I still think it must be a pillow...
1) you were "never having another one"
2)your body is WAAAAY to perfectly proportioned with all the weight in the front only
3) i'm not there to see for myself that indeed this is a fact.. ;)
i need more proof...
You look fantastic! I wish that I was that tiny still... (*sigh*) Hopefully I'll be back to your size soon! I can't wait to hear what you are having!!!
I am so happy you are posting belly shots. I would be really bummed if I never got to see how cute you are pregnant this time around. So....when is the ultrasound?
I want to see the butt!
WOw, you rock, only a couple weeks till the ultrasound, Yippee. I miss shopping for tiny babies. You look so cute. Hey SLeepy girl, I am glad you have started posting again, I've been going through withdrawls. Have an argument with John and share it please...something, anything!
No arguments as of late...Sorry! I will probably will have something next week for you. Preview: John is going to the superbowl and is pretending that he HAS to go for WORK. Nice try!!
Great, now I want to come visit just to see your butt. Bet it looks great!
Get your cute little prego butt to Arizona and I will do your ultrasound and see what you are having. :)
Wonderful! Marvelous! Incredible! Nana
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