Saturday, July 11, 2009

Life on the mean streets of Maple Grove

Life on the streets of Minnesota are sometimes rough. There is never a weekend void of some sort of carnival or celebration. This weekend we lucked out with one being right in our backyard, almost. We kicked off the Maple Grove Days celebration by going to the longest po-dunk parade known to man.
What's funny is that we don't live in a small town so I was expecting a little more. Let's just say the highlight of the show was a toss up between the unicycle club and a vet clinic walking some dogs. We decided to go at the spur of the moment and I didn't come prepared. Luckily my awesome friend Esther brought bags for the loads of candy thrown at us. Tootsie Roll anyone? This parade happened two days ago and Max is still dumbfounded over the fact that Esther knew to bring bags. He keeps asking how on earth did she know to bring bags....over and over!

Today we hopped over to the community center for the business fair, carnival and art fair. The fair consisted of booths that handed out silly coupons and temporary tattoos promoting their business. It's just my luck that Max came home with a cross tattoo from a Christian Day Camp and decided to plaster is on his face....."look mom, X for Max." No big deal normally, but tomorrow he has a talk in church. Lovely.

We ended up eating dinner at Buca de Bepo thanks to one of those aforementioned coupons. It was Sadie's first sit down restaurant experience and she did amazing. I however figured out that if I ever travel to Italy it will have to be without my hubby. I think he said bopity boopity 47 times. (it's from the family guy)

On a good note, my house is looking mighty clean tonight. John is having a few buddies over for some lame UFC fight. I always like to act annoyed that he enjoys the white trash (ya, I said it) sport of UFC. Secretly I don't mind because if people come over, he will clean up the house....I'm talking vacuum and all.


Papa Parrish said...

Yeah for hubby house cleaning. Nana

emily said...

1. Finally a picture of you!!!!! Yeah!
2. I HATE the family guy with a PASSION.

Hot Diggity Daws said...

You think it will be the children driving you nuts at a restaurant. Why is it husbands have the same special gift of torture?!!

Love the pic of you and baby, she looks adorable!!

Cecia said...

Oh my gosh, this post cracks me up, your hysterical!

John said...

Boppity Boopity.

Darcy & Nathan Parrish said...

1. Darcy speaks greek just like John and Peter Griffin speak Italian (replace Boppity Boopity with Papadopolous and Falafel).
2. I LOVE the family guy with a PASSION.

Love, Nathan

Douglas Family said...

I am so glad someone helped clean the house. Our house is always cleanest when we invite others over too. Sorry my bro is so weird, he's always been that way! Should make for an interesting life.

Bubba the Hutt said...

+1 for Family Guy.

Thanks for the link JP.