Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Thanks Martha

Once again Ms. Stewart, you have really outdone yourself. How do you come up with such cute and crafty ideas season after season?

This could possibly be the easiest craft I have ever made. It involves two steps, one: paint elmer's glue on a pumpkin and two: sprinkle with glitter. And Wah-Lah, you have yourself a Martha - esque halloween centerpiece.

Happy Halloween my little pretties!

ps- Matt Christensen, you are going down this Friday night. You should possibly consider not even showing up, just a thought.


emily said...

A. what a cute little family you have:)
B. you are my hero even more than before - what a crafty woman you are!
C. miss you.

Camie said...

Keep sniffing your Elmer's glue while I inhale a banana creme in record time.

Matt "Doughboy" Christensen