So here is the thing. I'm usually afraid of color. What I mean by that is although I love it, when it comes to decorating I think I will get sick of some brilliant hue that looks great now. What if it looks good now and in a few years will just look like a old trend. Think 70's shag carpet. For this reason, I stick with my good old faithful browns, blacks, with possibly a hint of an accent color. I know, I'm pretty much boring.
So lets back up a little, say a month or so. Well when I learned we were having a girl I decided to go shopping for bedding. Lo and behold I found the cutest hot pink, black and white bedding by eyes had seen. It was even on clearance people!! Not to mention, this bedding matched a crib that's days were numbered because it was clearanced out too!! So I went out on a limb and bought the bright colorful bedding and crib.
This is the part where you come in. Take a look of the pic and bedding along with the almost pea soup green walls that Max picked out.....what do you think? I initially loved it together. Then John did the unthinkable and told me he loved it too. (Just as a side note, when we were first dating and married I would ask his opinion on what I was wearing or what color he liked and then would automatically do the opposite....he's a little what we like to call "color coordinating challenged." I stopped doing this because it hurt his feelings.) Ok, so back to the matter at hand, John is saying it looks great, but I really think it's because of one of two things:
1. He does not want to paint the room. And for the record, he has never painted but made the mistake of telling my that he would paint one room while on paternity leave. To me, that is the equivalent of being bought fine jewelry, because he dreads painting.
2. It could actually look good. And by this I would have to admit that John has come a long way and his tastes are improving!
Chances are, it's #1, but I'm hoping it's #2. What do you think? Should I keep the green or make John buy me a new pair of earrings so to speak?
I think it looks cute. If you want some other ideas google pink and black bedding and see what colors are on the walls in the display pictures.
Hey Jamie, I just found your blog through Becca's, and I don't know if you care for my opinion or not, but I actually love the pink/green combo. That's actually what I have for Miley. I think it's actually kind of an "in" color combo for girls right now and I love it. So there is my two cents. Hope everything is going great, I am excited for your baby bash tomorrow!
So here is the thing, my initial take was, Paint it Parrish. Hate to be the Debbie Downer here, with the last 2 people being into the green, but I wasn't sure at first. I got to thinking what color will you pick instead? I CAN NOT imagine you picking Fuschia as an accent wall. Although I might! :) Love the Crib and Bedding. I would like to take the time to thank the sponsors for producing this fine post, to share with the little guys in AZ. Inquiring minds want to know.
Bottom line, I have every confidence that which ever road you chose, it WILL look fantastic. Just make sure that MR. Parrish does not get the final word. After all, girls get 2 votes. As I recall, according to Wikipedia, you have 4 votes coming...I'm just saying...
I LOVE it! The green is great.
I LOVE it!!!
Jamie, I think it is adorable! I LOVE the bedding! and I am a big fan of green! I really like the softness of the green you have on the wall. I say good job!
I think that that the green wall with the pink bedding is GREAT!! Do not paint it.
Hi Jamie!
I love your bedding and crib! Very cute! As far as the green, I definitely think it can work--maybe it's just a matter of putting something cute on the walls that has both pink and green so it looks like you meant to! If you do decide to paint--BEWARE of pink! I can tell you my experience with that one!
It looks great!
PS- I have painted rooms at the Acadia house. I just don't like to do it. I do however think we should get together and paint each others toenails silly.
Fantastic now!
-Sol, Sol Rosenberg
will you want to kick me if I disagree with the majority here?? I usually think pink and green look ok together, but for some reason I'm not loving it. *ducks from flying objects* And I like eclectic decorating, and mismatched-ness (is that a word?)
I suppose if you stuck a pea green pillow in the crib, and did some decorating on the wall with hot pink, black and white, it would pull everything together. :)
just my 2 cents worth ;)
Love the bedding!! Alot!!!
That particular shade of green isn't doing it for me. It may be the picture itself, but I would probably paint it. Can't give you any ideas on what color right now, sorry.
I love all of the colors. I agree with a few who have said that maybe you just need to tie the two colors together. I think that could be done through pillows, artwork, another piece in the room, etc. All I know is that when I look around my house and think about your house..I don't think I should be the one giving advice. Oh, by the way, I want pictures of John painting nails silly! Oh, and i think that the crib is completely fabulous!
You already know my feelings. I about peed-my-pants with envy when you showed it to me. I don't think everything has to be so matchy-matchy to look good. It all coordinates. I SAY KEEP IT!
Colors suck... and mention of such colors only will alienate the few at the amusement of the many....
Do I care what color I cannot really see anyway?
Need I answer that?
I appreciate you bringing to light what I cannot ever fix.
JP should not paint it… he should hire someone who will paint it with expertise and passion.
If John is going to paint, have him paint something that isn't already painted...do you have white walls anywhere? There may be only so much that Parrish man can handle, and you've gotten more painting out of your Parrish man than I have!! I like the green bean baby food color walls. I like the crib and bedding. Put the baby in green and put the baby in the crib. That will tie it all together. Nana
It could be that John just likes the green color because of the Packers!
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