For most who have read this blog know that deep thoughts on the subject of love and affection don't flow from my brain and onto the world wide web. It is just something I'm not into, and actually makes me uncomfortable to even think about writing. I know, I'm like a 12 year old self conscious girl. What will people think? Will they laugh, taunt, make fun? I've decided tonight to throw caution to the wind and express my undying and everlasting love for Nielsen's frozen custard.
Many of you may ask: what is this thing you speak of? I say to you: you have not lived a full life until tasting the sweetness of custard found at Nielsen's. The thought of it keeps me awake at night, and is in my fondest dreams.
You also may say: you are just prego and being as such are prone to over exaggerated cravings. To you I say: You have obviously never tasted this divine substance, or for those of you who have, you can no longer be my friend if you too do not heart Nielsen's.
I have been told my a few: Don't torture yourself, there is no NeilsEn's where you live. Get the custard out of your head, it will do you good. My reply you ask?: As long as I live and breathe I will crave, hunger, and yearn for it.
Luckily, my pain and suffering of with drawl will be coming to an end soon. I will be visiting the fabulous state of AZ for spring break. What makes it fabulous? Do you even need to ask? Friends? Family? Excellent weather? Those are all just icing on the cake that is known in my soul as NIELSEN'S FROZEN CUSTARD!!!
P.S. - I know this was a little self indulgent, but it was either going to be a post about how Jackson tried to stab a boy in the head with a pencil today at school or this. I choose denial in the form of custard.
Ack! take away all pencils, substitute custard!! Nana
You know, it's been several weeks since I was last at Nielson's. I've been distracted by my discovery of local bingsoo. I will now repent.
Bingsoo? Is that shaved ice topped with fruit and condensed milk? (In Taiwan it's just called "bing"). Oh please oh please oh please.
As for Neilson's, I have not walked its hallowed halls since the last time JP and Griz were in town. I've considered it many times, but in the end I become overcome with guilt that I could so easily indulge while friends are deprived.
You starve, I starve. I'm really looking forward to your trip.
Oh yeah, and it'll be nice to see you guys too.
Oh how Grizz shares in your pain, the pain I refer to is, of course, not the pregnancy pain! Ode to Neilson's. You are hysterical. I almost had a tear in my eye at the depth of emotion and the travesty to humanity you so sacredly shared. Thank you. THank you. I will try not to envision the small animals, or John that may be laid waste on the road of your long arduous journey back to the promised land. Need I clarify?Arizona.
I always knew John was old school, but seriously, dragging his poor wife, great with child, across the desert, by donkey. Man. That is biblical.
My deep love--Cherry limeades from Sonic--alas not in Minnesota. I frequent it a number of times while in NE visiting family.
I get it!
Man I really miss Cherry limeades too. Nelson's is great too, but since there weren't any in Flagstaff either, my cravings were already curbed before. I think Nana is on to something perhaps if children wrote with frozen custard all your problems would be alleviated. Wish I could see you over spring break, but I am going in May instead.
I hear you loud and clear. When will you be in AZ? We are going there for our spring break as well, I would love to meet you at Nielson's!
HAHA! I love it!
I too love Neilson's Frozen Custard!!! Very fond memories of it from my childhood. Ahhh! Your blog make me crave it along with you! :-)
Hold Fast Bubba. The sacrifice you make will not go unnoticed.
Grizz appreciates your mental toughness.
As for the rest of you... enjoy it for the Wheeler's! We miss AZ more than you know!
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