Attention slackers: Haven't decorated for Christmas? Well Max is you guy....he is now available for a small fee. He specializes in ribbons and tape, but is willing to branch out depending on your tastes and decor. Here are a couple pics of the outstanding work that Max does. Also, he can make a mean batch of brownies or cookies if you are behind on Christmas baking. This guy is versatile.
Send him over! And if you need a little help undecorating your Christmas tree then Griffin is the helper for you! Merry Christmas!
Wow it would be nice to have such a helper - oh wait I do. Harrison just did that with sewing scraps - they should really hang out. I will post a photo soon of Harrison's present wrapping on our blog.
Is that a Sheepshank? Wow, he is talented.
By the way I like the new family picture above! Wait, are you holding one of Max's hands in a kung fu grip? On second glance I noticed he looks a little suspect!
Love the bangs! I still am trying to get up the nerve for a little snip snip! I hope you have a Merry Christmas!
I could have used the help this year..would ward choir be able to get in the door for practice after he completes his duties? Nana
He is so darn cute!
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