Uh, yeah me neither, just checking.
"Long Weekends" are always hard for me. This was especially true as it was not just a 3 day weekend, but a 4. The kids both had Friday and Monday off from school....boy were they excited! At least Jackson was. Max on the other hand, did not get it. He kept telling me "Miss Gretta says I go to school on Mondays." I'm sure we are very close to the day that we can add Max to the list of people in this house that think that I make things up as I go. (in case you were wondering, both John and Jack have been on this list for quite some time.)
We did make lots of memories...mostly good. To sum it up, we were busy! Some of the highlights were making valentine cottages with some friends (see above pics), a date night thanks to the Baldwins, going to Ikea (queen sheets for $10 - if that's not love, I don't know what is), dropping by the Mall of America for some delicious crepes, making red hearts at the lego store, PF Changs take-out, doing sharing time in primary, and last but not least, turning our baby into a frog after making wizard hats and wands. Now that is a run-on sentence for you!
Looking back, I did have an awesome weekend. I was however grateful this morning to take a shower without hearing any screams from the other room, or curious boys trying to check out the ever growing belly in all of its naked glory.
P.S - we have another ultra sound tomorrow. Hopefully modesty will not prevail again. Here are the details: If I don't call or post something, that means we are having another boy and I will forever be outnumbered. If I do, you don't even have to answer/ check our blog because that means it is a girl.
Even if it is a girl you'll still be forever outnumbered at 3 to 2. Nice try.
PS- Boy's rule, unless I have a daughter.
Just so you know, girls votes are worth two. I've never filled you in on this because my 2 votes never mattered. They just might tommorow....muu-ahh-ha-ha
I wouldn't trade any of my boys, and my girls are great, too. I have been outnumbered for years...but today, Benn saved me from kidnappers at school, and to ransom me he must go to the Sadie's dance with a really cute girl. He says this is the very last time he saves me from kidnappers...like that happens every day. We are praying for you!!
I am rooting for Jamie! Someone needs to have a girl so we can buy cute girl stuff!
Every girl gets 2 votes is a well known fact.
Jamie should own the rights to run the show no matter what pops out, because, HEY, she has earned it!!!!
I did check Wikipedia and sure enough I found the following...
"Every girl is entitled to 2 votes in all arguements and every time plans are made. There is no point in disputing this absolute fact. Any man who attempts to challenge this law of nature, will be held accountable and judgement shall be swift and merciless."
I was surprised by how severe the consequences are. Best wishes on a Girl Jamie, that will up your votes to 4 to 3.
JP, girls votes are so worth two!
Wow, the kids look so old! I can't get over it, I've only been gone for 7 weeks and they have aged:)
Jamie's 2 votes carry as much weight around here as the oldest Jonas.
Oh yes, Jamie how has 4 votes, 2 for her and 2 for princess p!
It may be time to vote out the oldest member of the parrish band...
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