Pre - game time hoopla......
Pre - game party with a long time friend Michael Wheeler. Somehow John managed to look like he represents the lolipop guild in this pic. A friend hooked John up with these tickets. He saw lots of celebs and athletes, but by the time he was telling me, my eyes were already glazing over so you will have to ask him who he saw.

This is where the real entertainment began - 1/2 time!! Let's face it, Bruce rules. When John got home, we watched and Jackson loved it. He asked if he could go to the superbowl next year even though he has yet to watch one full minute of any other football game in his little life. John told him how much his ticket cost and that General Mills paid for it Jackson replied "I don't want to be a policeman anymore, I want to work for General Mills so I can save my own money and still go to the Superbowl." We told him to keep his policeman dreams and we will take him to a concert instead.
Overall, I thought I would be super jealous that he was in sunny Florida while I was holed up here in the tundra, but it wasn't too bad. When John got home I asked him who won and he was floored! He couldn't believe that I had no idea, and that I didn't watch the game. I actually enjoyed a whole weekend void of anything sports!!!
Who needs to watch sports when you have two litttle PLayaz? Seriously, who is anyone kidding, we all know Grizzley was the "employee" who really accompanied John to the game. None of us are being fooled here. Jamie it is time you and I went to our own little spa vacation, oh I mean "work".
I love that Jackson got bought off with a concert....who is he thinking? I also love that John was there in person and you didn't even check the headlines :)
I am not normally into sports either, but the superbowl has to be watched if only for the commercials. Glad that you had a weekend without sports - you deserve that! Maybe next time you could go to Florida and have a weekend without sports while John stays in MN with -5 temps and the boys.
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