I just received the best news this morning!!!!!!! And yes, it does deserve 7 exclamation points! As I'm sure a lot of you know, we found out this summer that Max is hard of hearing. We also found out that our insurance does not cover anything to do with his hearing loss including dr. visits, ear molds, future hearing test and most importantly hearing aids. (we are talking thousands of $$$ every year) We went through several appeals, all to be denied. In fact the final denial appeal letter came exactly one week before Christmas and left me very deflated. We truly thought that John's employer would do the right thing, because ultimately it was their decision whether to cover it or not. John has always been upbeat about things like this and it doesn't seem to faze him. I'm glad he kept encouraging me to push and knock on every door possible. I spent a full day researching on the Internet and applying for grants and any charitable donation I could find. Today the Lions Club of Maple Grove called and told me that they are going to pay for the full amount of Max's hearing aids. I literally asked this guy Ken on the phone if he was joking and then began to ball like a baby. (I've got an excuse, I'm prego!!) I feel like this is one of the biggest answers to my prayers I have ever received. What a blessing!! If you would like to check out the MG Lions Club, you can go here: http://www.maplegrovelions.org/index.html
They have many opportunities to help raise $$ including things as easy as going to a pancake breakfast. Maple Grove Lions Rule!!
Oh my gosh, Yea!!!!!!!! I'm so excited. I can't believe it...what a great day.
That's awesome!!! Way to keep pushing!!!
Awesome!! Way to go the extra mile. Isn't it amazing that there are groups out there who make the difference where no one else will?! Hooray for LIon's Club. Wendy
Congrats! That is great news.
You made me cry--and I'm NOT prego!
Your blog entry just made my day...what great news.
I didn't know you had a blog..is it ok if I link you?
That is fantastic. I am so glad there are great organizations out there to fill in where stingy insurance companies won't.
That is awesome news. Of course you can link to our blog as long as you don't mind if I do the same. I also can't wait to hear what you are having so I'll be checking back often!
THAT IS AWESOME!!! it made me cry too, and I'm NOT preggo! ;)
I am so grateful for your answered parayers!
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