It's 8:39 and the kids are fast asleep....the most peaceful time of day! We have spent most of our waking hours (besides school time) outside soaking up the beautiful weather. Only in Minnesota will people think that 45 degrees is wonderful. We saw a girl riding her bike wearing a tank and shorts....hmmm I wouldn't say it was that nice.......

You are already aware that Jackson finished up his first season of basketball and lost a tooth at school. (apparently it is the cool thing to do because you get to go to the nurse and bring home your pearly white in a tooth necklace) What you don't know is that Jackson brought his first ever piece of math homework that he didn't understand and couldn't do by himself. I seem to remember in our iron clad pre-nup that math was your responsibility. I guess you assumed that because I gave up on our agreement to never own a van, that this too was null and void. Ummmm no.

Onto our not so little anymore Maxers. He has had a great week. Monday Max went to the audiologist and picked up his new custom green and blue earmolds. With the molds, apparently he picked up a new facial expression as well. He likes to call it a smile with no lips. I'm not a big fan of the look, but what can you do? Also, now that the dead grass has reappeared, Max's title as the "slug whisperer" has been reinstated. Jackson is still fiercely jealous that Max has the special gift of finding the tiniest of slugs.

Now onto your great with child wife. Remember me? I'm the one who loves to steal your t-shirts and sweats because mine are cutting off my circulation? Well I have been busy as well. You see, there is this thing called nesting. I like to call it pregnancy induced neurotica. Let me tell you, it is in full force this week. I could mention a million things I've done, but don't want to bore you. The most impressive thing I would say is that I put together the ikea dresser we bought last weekend. This baby had 48 steps written in hieroglyphics. Lets just say it took some time. I was out running errands and ran into someone I knew. I got the "HOLY CRAP, YOU HAVE REALLY POPPED, I MEAN YOU ARE HUGE, DO YOU REALLY HAVE ABOUT 3 MONTHS TO GO?" comment I always dread. Don't ever say that to a prego, just don't. I didn't want you to miss what I looked like on the day that I really popped, so I included it.

So that completes my guilt trip disguised as a letter. Come home soon, we miss you.
Oh, and one more thing, our big screen t.v. blew up, so no March Madness this year. I guess I can just put you to work on my ever growing to-do list.
Wow, it has only been 2 days and the whole family has changed!
I miss you too, but if the TV blew up before March Madness I think I have a business trip on Thurs/Fri of this week and next. ;)
A. I'm not Mr. Parrish but I cried. Yes this hormonal woman thought that was so sweet. I hope some day I have a life like you and John:)
B. Wow, Jackson is getting big. He looks like a little man.
C. Max can officially have Christmas colored hearing aids.
D. The boys in bed was sweet:)
E. I was so happy to see you - you're cute belly and hair!! It is so good to see you. Really, it was just what I needed.
Love ya. Can't wait to see you guys!
Loved this letter, even better to imagine Mr. Parrish has been gone all of 2 days, no, it does not surprise me that another business trip is in order, were the tv in fact incinerated.
Hilarious mental picture of tooth necklace, priceless.
Wow, you are amazing to manage assembling anything packaged by Ikea!
Max's new face it quite funny.
The only thing lacking in this letter, for it to be perfect, is pictures of mountains of baby girl things, because, every nesting mother needs to do more shopping!!
That might be the way to scare JP into cancelling a "Business Trip."
I'm Just Saying.....
Mr. Parrish - Oh you dirty dog, you are on vacation. Ever hear of the saying time flies when you are having fun? When you posted this comment, you had been gone for 3 days. Now you really have to come home to remove the knife you put in my back that pierced all the way to my heart.
Ms. Daw- I did infact go shopping for more baby stuff. That was included under "stuff I won't bore you with" because Mr. Parrish could care less! I even took pics of it like you mentioned, but decided I was already being to big of a dork with this letter!
LOL John!
JAMIE..... THANK YOU for posting a picture of your cute self! I love how beautiful you look when you are pregnant!! SO gorgeous!
the boys look great!
thanks for letting me eavesdrop into your post for John :) rather entertaining really! ;)
I'm glad you miss Mr. Parrish. But anyone who encourages their son to be PsychoP on the ball court should probably have limited access to their child-rearing. I think it would be worse if you looked forward to him leaving!! Johnny, help out a lot when you get home, mother nature is calling!!Nana
Jamie- I think you look great pregnant! Next time someone tells you that you look huge just remind them that you have 9+ lb babies not the miniatures other people seem to produce. At least you can say you are all baby! PLus look how thin you are after! Don't fret what others say. They are probably just jealous that you are a wonderful baby oven. Also I agree quiet time right after the kids are asleep is the best part of motherhood and the day. Hopefully John will at least bring you home a present from his trip. Maybe even some baby girl clothes (but none with sports logos!). Come on bro - you know it is her turn for a business trip.
Jami, I loved this post, and all your posts. You are always so whitty. And you don't look like you popped! You look awesome. I got the same comments- especially from women. Honestly, why does any female feel the need to say words like "popped" or "blossomed" to any pregnant woman. Oh well, it will be well worth it in another couple of weeks. I love nesting- let me know if I can ever do anything to help.
John, I think we need to form a union. We would demand extra worship and less spending (but not by us) while we are away. No secret ballots of course.
Okay, you are not big. Don't make me break out my pics to show you what big really looks like! You look fabulous with your little belly!
I second you with the mushy stuff on the web. I've never been a big fan. We need to get together soon... me, the kiddos, and you and your belly should all go that that custard/ice cream place... mmmm.
I don't even think you look "big" for being as far along as you are. Lame friend.
We'll talk soon.
You crack me up.
Steve was just complaining to my brother today how hard it is to catch March Madness when he's severely outnumbered and the rest of us want to watch our taped dancing with the stars and american idol episodes.
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