The boys on John's b-day. With all 33 candles, it looks like a fire hazard. I made an excellent carrot cake if I may say so myself. (its an excuse to binge on cream cheese frosting)

While visiting my sister in Utah, we decided that our boys desperately need a trampoline....or could it be that their Mom needs them to have a trampoline? Either way, we splurged and got one for his birthday.

This pic has no great significance other than Max is looking adorable. He loves to pose for the camera, unfortunately his poses usually look like this:
"Hey mom, take a picture of me cuz I'm dead."

Or this....."take my picture, I look awesome!"

This isn't the best pic to show off our deck, but it's about all I've got. We are so excited to finally have a deck and to be able to get to our backyard without walking through the front yard to get there! With our deck, trampoline, and swing set, we can't wait for summer to start. Now begins May where I will put John to work getting ready for our summer package to arrive!

So Exciting. You have to show the swingset and better views of the deck. Come on woman, we all want to see the fun stuff. You guys have been busy!
That cake is amazing! Teya saw it and said, "Oh no, his cake is on fire, we have to help him!" So funny! I'm excited about your deck and tramp and swing set! If you ever need any help breaking them in give us a call! ; )
everything looks great! including Max's awesome faces! HAHA my boys ALWAYS pose like that. makes me crazy! somehow it is WAY cuter when it is someone elses kid ;)
Wow you have been busy. That is great to have such a fun backyard. I am sure the kids will love it as well as you.
A. John is older than me!!!! Yippie!!!
B. Max looks more and more like you all the time:)
C. I MISS you guys like crazy.
D. You better call me when you deliver if you go before I get home.
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