I'm usually a fly by the seat of my pants kind of girl, moment to moment, that's me. With Jackson around, this is a hard thing to do. With him, comes daily rituals. One of them involves my yahoo and checking the weather every morning before school.(to make sure no hurricanes are forcasted of course) Today while we were involved in this daily task, I noticed that today is officially Star Wars Day! Well who can argue with that? Because it was in fact official, we did what any other star wars fans would do....CELEBRATE!! After school, we busted out the good ole faithful Wookie Cook Book and glanced through the recipes. Let me tell you the options were many and we had a hard time choosing what to make. Would it be Dark Side Salsa, Yoda Soda, Han-burgers or Boba Fett-uccine? We decided dessert would be our best bet and went for the Jawa Jive Milkshakes. So to all of you who missed out on Star Wars Day.....May the Force, I mean Fourth be with you next year!

I sense great happiness is with you while I am far far away.
You are the coolest mom. As Luck would have it we celebrated Star War's day too, unwittingly. While cleaning out the garage we found Darth Vader's face. Lincoln and Griffin walked on the Dark Side. Your Darth Vader's comment cracked me up too!
Man I completely missed it and with an Master Yoda (the dog) in our house too. Man I bet that dog is mad!
that's awesome.
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