Monday, April 19, 2010

Seriously, what didn't happen this weekend?

I am a list person. I've been known to make a list of lists that need to be made. Yep, that is me, I need something to check off so I can feel like I've accomplished something. Shower, check. Brush teeth, check. Wipe my fanny, check. OK, I'm not that over the top. Anyways, here is a list of some of the many things we did this action packed weekend: (not in order of importance)

1. Had visitors! Both sides of Grandparents flew into town for a few special days. Thanks guys!
2. John took Thursday AND Friday off. I can't remember the last time he took off work unless it was for a true out of town vacation.
3. Jackson turned 8 and had one heck of a all boy Mad Science birthday party. (yes I deserve a pat on the back for taking on 12 boys for 2 1/2 hours and nobody was injured in the process)
4. Max learned to ride a two wheel bike!! Go Maxers!!
5. Haircuts.....goodbye floppy mops, hello buzz cuts.
6. BBQ - two to be exact. I l-o-v-e BBQ weather.
7. Smashburger. Nuff Said
8. Retrieving a remote control helicopter off the roof with no broken bones.
9. Our family was introduced to buttermilk syrup. If I could I would change it from a topping to a beverage. It's that good people.
10. Last, but not least, Jackson was baptized!!!!!!!!!! (this will get it's own post later)

And what would a post be without some pictures to show?

Max requested hair "like Sadie's," but we were not willing to go that short.
The Fam before the baptism.
Love this girl.
Side note: if you ever want to impress a bunch of 8 yr. old boys, just whip out a blow torch.
............or a Laser Beam.
Go Max, Go!
Sadie trying to pop my bubble.
It's going to be hard to top this birthday weekend extravaganza. I guess it's all downhill from here!
This week I will be recovering from all of the action. Time to make a list of ways to relax and still take care of the fam.


Beccarigg said...

Don't deny it Jamie, I know "wipe my fanny" totally made it on your list! hahaha!

Seriously though, sounds like an awesome weekend! I want more mad scientist party pics, that looks awesome! Also big congrats to Jackson for getting baptized! Wish we could've been there!

Hot Diggity Daws said...

I had no idea you were such a list maker.

Sounds like a fab weekend. Congrats on the ultimate baptism and party Timmerman/Parrish LoveFest weekend Extravaganza!

Now if only you could "Roll" on over in John's suitcase to bask in the AZ sunshine and float down the LazyRiver at Marriott DesertRidge.

The miracle list maker would be needed to pull that off. :-)

Papa Parrish said...

My compliments to the master list lists were evident in this process, and I bequeath all my lists to you!!!I am looking forward to May of 2012, and hanging with the other grandparents again....and you too, of course!!! How did you manage to take pictures of me that I do not hate? Go, girl! Nana