Monday, July 5, 2010

My life would be so boring without Max

Max is a little comic genius. Whether his antics are intentional or not, they always leave me laughing for days. Case in point:

As we were driving home from church yesterday, Max handed John a thank you card. I opened it up, as John was concentrating on ten and two. It read:

I just about soiled my pants over this one. (John has never been apart of any armed forces, let alone a war)

I can see it now.....

teacher: We are so lucky our forefathers fought so valiantly for the freedoms we have today. Does anyone know of someone that went to war for our country?
Max: My Dad fought in the war.
teacher: How noble of him. Why don't we write him a thank you card.
Max: cool

John and I can't stop laughing about this one. I'm pretty sure it's the best card John has ever received.


It's Not Your Fault! said...

That is perfect. I can remember some tall tales in my youth. Specifically, when the Jewish holidays came up... I was jewish.

My mom got a compliment for it one day... and ruined me from then on... I had everyone fooled. (According to my dear mother.)

Hot Diggity Daws said...

Little Brian was looking over my shoulder and heard about the card his first response, "What war did he fight in?" Oh boy, the misinformation is spreading like wild fire!

Let there be no doubt...John IS the man.

Lindsay & Josh said...

Apparently you're not the only brave one in the family Jamie...thank-you John for the freedoms we have today!

Douglas Family said...

Maybe he was referring to a water war they had recently??? That is too funny. Kids are super!

Papa Parrish said...

Maybe he was talking about his childhood....during the war I made him drink powdered milk.....and he fought with his brothers and sisters???Nana