Thursday, July 8, 2010

Two down, one to go...and a few excuses in between

Summer fitness goals:

1. 1/2 marathon in Duluth
2. Miniman Triathlon
3. Ragnar Relay Race

Saturday I was able to compete in and cross off number two from my list. When I say compete, I mean against myself. I had ran a 1/2 marathon a couple weeks prior to the tri, and only worked out three times since, so I was a little worried. Did I mention that I only got in the pool to train once before the event? Double worried. Also, I was having an issue with the arch of my right foot. Triple worried.

I was surprised that despite my 3 fold of excuses, I did great! I finished in 1 hour, 31 minutes and some change. That's over 7 minutes off my time! The swim ended up being a cake walk...literally. The lake was so shallow, I was able to walk/dolphin dive about 1/2 of the time. The bike wasn't fun for me as it was terribly windy and let's face it, my scrawny little legs can't handle resistance. The run felt great considering I had just swam and biked. No puking this year, woo hoo! The only disappointment is in the last 30 yards, a older, bigger gent started sprinting to the finish line. Being prideful, I couldn't let someone overtake me after I'd come that far, especially a big old guy like that. It came down to the wire, and I think he beat me.

John did great too. He only started getting serious about training a few weeks ago, and still shaved 3 minutes off his time. He's cool like that.

We had to leave at 5 am to be there in time to get our time chip and set up. My brain does not function before sunrise, and I forgot the camera. I made John take a picture of my race number when we got home to document our adventure.

The lamest thing about tri's is they mark your calf with what your age will be at the end of the year. There is nothing like getting passed on the bike or run by someone in their golden years. I stopped counting how many 60+ men passed me!


Hot Diggity Daws said...

Wow, way to go guys!

Beccarigg said...

Not gonna lie, I'm totally jealous!! Haven't been able to do much running with the morning sickness but dang! Looks like you're doing enough for both of us!! Awesome job Jamie! I didn't know you were dong Ragnar too! You guys are going to love it!!

Bubba the Hutt said...

Nicely done. Here is your formal invitation to the Rock and Roll 1/2 Marathon in Vegas, 12/5/10, but you have to run it as Elvis like the rest of us. Don't let John wuss out.