Saturday, August 8, 2009

A conversation with Maxers

I have daily conversations with Max that leave me cracking up. Whenever I share these daily chuckles with other they tell me I should be writing them down. I don't know if it is because they really aren't that funny and don't want me to keep sharing them or if they really would make others laugh as much as I do. You be the judge.....just yesterday we were on our way into Minneapolis' Children's Hospital to get Max's brand spankin new earmolds when I brought up some family moving:

Me: Did Daddy tell you that Matt, Christie and Gage are moving?

Max: Oh no! I will miss them soooo much. When are they moving?

Me: In about a month.

Max: They must be moving super far away if it will take them a month to drive to their new house.

Mom: Actually they have to pack and find a new house first, then move. It will take a month before they move to Oklahoma.

Max: Will they pack up ALL of their clothes?

Mom: Yes

Max: That will take a long time. Pause Will their new house have a laundry room?

Mom: Yes

Max: Are you sure?

Mom: Yes

Max: That would be cool if I could build a car with a laundry room on top.

Mom: super sweet

Max: Actually, it would probably fall over and we could die so I wouldn't want to build one for our family. Pause Well, maybe for Jackson.
Matt, Christie and Gage, we are going to miss you!


onecent said...

HAHA! love you Maxwell!! hehe that was cute to me! he may be on to something...imagine being able to do your laundry while you are out driving the kids to soccer, school, dance practice, grocery shopping etc...! you could be gone all day and have all your laundry washed and dried when you get home! you make it Max, and I'll buy one from ya!...oh, and I want one that doesn't tip over. save that one for Jackson! ;)

emily said...

Max rocks - as usual. He cracks me up. Looks like I'm headed there next month. I'm just leaving WI now...I'll call you:)

The Ferrins said...

Im not gonna lie, that's pretty hysterical. Typical brotherly thing to say :)

Papa Parrish said...

I wish I had written some of our conversations down, as well. Please keep us posted on Maxisms. Love you!!Nana