Monday, August 31, 2009

On the Fly

I got a call last Wednesday from my Mom that my Grandpa Timmerman had suddenly passed away that morning. Thanks to the help of a ton of good friends from our ward, Jackson, Sadie and I were able to take a last minute trip out to the sunshine state for his funeral service. John couldn't make it due to school and work, so we left him and Max behind. I felt bad about leaving Max, but I thought it would be a good opportunity to get some good quality time in with Jack. Despite the sad circumstances, we were glad to be able to make the trip and see some family and friends.

My Mom was happy to reunite with Sadie. Sadie was still in the blob baby phase the last time my Mom saw her. She was happy to get a few smiles out of her this time.

Here's my sis Lexi looking especially tan and happy to be an Aunt again!

Here is Nate holding the two newest editions to the Parrish clan, Little Miss Lola and Sadie Girl.

Lincoln Daw and Sadie bonded over their love of binkies.

Jackson got to reunite with his soul brother and fellow video game addict Little Brian. Does pulling your shorts up way too high make you play any better?!

Dave took us to a hole in the wall Mexican food joint in favorite kind! Thumbs up on the horchata and chicken quesadilla.

Jack enjoying flying the friendly skies.

Thanks again to everyone who made this trip possible!


Hot Diggity Daws said...

You failed to mention Lincoln was sure steal Sadie's binkies! It was great to see you. Let's do it again under more exciting circumstances.

Douglas Family said...

So sorry to hear about your Grandpa, but so glad you got to see family again!