Tuesday, September 1, 2009

And So It Seems Only In Dreams

Picture this:
I'm in a college math class and Bob from the biggest loser is my teacher. He is so inspiring that I end up being the top of my class. Fast forward five years......I am riding my Dad's 35 year old yellow ten speed bike to Hawaii with the knowledge that I am rich because I won the lottery. Upon arriving to Hawaii I lounge by the beach eating pineapple while people show me antique furniture. The phone rings, it's my hubby John. He is wondering if he could please buy a cabin with our new found riches. I tell him fine as long as it is in the budget I set for him. I also ask him if it is something he needs or if he just wants it. Crying, where is that crying coming from? Oh, it's Sadie and this was all just a dream.
Recap of my dream:
1. I am good at Math
2. I am rich
3. I'm in Hawaii
4. I set a budget for John
It could happen right?

John and I a few years back living part of my dream.


Hot Diggity Daws said...

And seriously, doesn't John look so tough and manly with that tattoo?!!! That is an awesome dream. Love the budget and discussion, hmmm couldn't be a regular theme. In your dream it must've been John doing the crying!

Beccarigg said...

Wow, that sounds like some of my dreams! Except add to that the fact that in mine I can eat WHATEVER I want all day long and never get full, or fat : ) (oh yeah, and I'm best friends with all the celebrities, don't laugh, it's my subconscious that thinks that way...)