Friday, January 8, 2010

Chapter 3, just like our baby bearing situation


So to close out our amazing trip we jaunted over to Naples aka the retirement capital of the world. Unfortunately, the only time I got the camera out was one afternoon at the beach. It was incredible to be laying in the sand, soaking up a few rays knowing that our Midwestern friends back home were being dumped on by mother nature. I enjoyed every breathe of warm, fresh, salty sea air!

After the boys braved the cold water, they were warmed up with a little bit of warm sand.

With her new found crawling freedom, Sadie cruised the shoreline and also took some time to watch the waves roll in and reflect on her first seven months of life.

I love, love, love seeing pictures of my boys playing together. It stirs some emotion in me that I can't quite explain with my limited vocabulary. A few years back this picture wouldn't have taken place. Due to The big A and undiagnosed hearing loss, it would have included me on alert ready to stop/prevent a physical fight because of the lack of communication skills Jackson and Max were lacking....and take it from me, that is not a fun trip to the beach! Now that we have the knowledge, skills, and aides to understand our boys, they now are best buds. Ok, maybe that's reaching a little.

Raising my two boys feels like living in MN as compared to FL. Summer is great, then fall comes and it is beautiful, but you know on the horizon that treacherous times lay ahead. Then cold storms hit, and its hard, but somehow you manage to stumble through once you have the proper attire and with help of others in the midst of their cold weather troubles. All the while, you know many who live in a life where blizzards, below freezing temps and changing weather just aren't something they have to deal with in their life. (even though they think they might, they just have no idea....60 degrees is not cold FL residents) It's all just another "day at the beach" for them. MN is a hard place to live, but I love it still. It's because of the rough times that I am able to realize, enjoy, and appreciate that wonderful weather when it does roll around like it did on this day at the beach.


Cecia said...

Man I need to vacation with your family! You guys have a blast! I got your voicemail this morning by the way and I started laughing hysterically, you crack me up!

Douglas Family said...

That was beautiful. You should write a book!

Lindsay & Josh said...

I really appreciated your analogy. Good job with words Jamie :) On another note, I glanced at your new picture at the top of your blog. At first glance I thought Max was wearing a Gophers shirt and was so proud thinking, wow they really are fully converted....then on second glance my hopes were crushed. Oh well, I'll give it another year or two.

✩Molly✩ said...

What a beautiful post. Your words are enchanting. You are a truly amazing and strong woman. Your baby girl is beautiful and your boys are growing so fast! :) Hope you don't mind that I stumbled upon your blog tonight :)

Adrianne said...

Wow, what a vacation. Sadie is so cute in her swimsuit, I love the ruffles. Too bad ruffles don't look as cute on your backside when you get older! Your boys look like so much fun!

Beccarigg said...

That picture of Sadie in her swimsuit is the cutest thing I've ever seen! Next time you guys go to Disney take me with you!!

Hot Diggity Daws said...

How did you sneak a million posts in on me?

When did you become deep thoughts by Jack Handey?

Loved this post. Great perspective.

I almost packed my bags and moved to Minnesota...then I realized my 3 little "growth opportunities" are right here...This one week of rain has been enlightening enough for this sunshine girl.

Papa Parrish said...

I am impressed with your depth and insight, and I am amazed that I raised such smart sons to find such women to marry who enlarge their lives and share in the creation of incredible families. Bless you, dear Jamie. I'm glad you have my last name. Nana