Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Minnesota Icebox

One of the perks to living in this winter wonderland is that you don't have to take up precious space in your fridge to cool off your favorite beverage. Just stick it on your back porch and you'll have a perfectly chilled drink in minutes.

ps- I couldn't pass up this coke the other day at Costco. It's Coca-Cola Classic made in Mexico. That means it's made with the real stuff, SUGAR!!! mMmMmMm!!


Camie said...

Coke from Mexico?? Thanks for letting me know! I'm a big fan!

The Ferrins said...

Yum, Mexican coke is a whole other level of coke goodness! Our neighbor leaves their frozen veggies and bags of ice on their front porch too!

Renae said...

Yummy!! Maybe I'll have to bug one of my Costco friends and then go hide the "good stuff" from my family.

Hot Diggity Daws said...

Oh man that is hilarious!!! Good times.