Saturday, March 27, 2010

You must like William Hung a lot......

Who has two thumbs and just ran 6 miles? (an all-time best!)
This Girl!!

To some this might not seem that big of a deal. I am however not much of an athlete and this is the longest I have ever run before. I'm currently training for a half marathon in June - 13.1 miles of pure running bliss. (insert a hint of sarcasm in your voice and reread that last sentence) Every Saturday I am suppose to up the mileage of my long run so by the time June rolls around I am ready. Hopefully there will be more thumb pointing/ bragging posts to come. Wish me luck!


Camie said...

You go girl!! This is a big accomplishment! Here's to many more long (and hopefully fun) runs in the future!

Hot Diggity Daws said...

Impressed I am...shocked I am not. I knew you had it in you when I ran 5 with you last time!

It's Not Your Fault! said...

That is very impressive! Running six miles is not a small accomplishment! Be proud - be tough... and post the actual time next report. ;)

P.S. Where is the quote from?

P.S.S. Where do you feel it the most? Legs - back - lungs - energy level?

Erin said...

Nice Job! Good luck on the half marathon!

JamieLynn said...

It's not your fault - my title and two thumbs are from this jerk on The Office. (one of my favorite shows) A couple seasons ago this guy had a license plate that said wll hng and people kept asking him if he liked William Hung. (I'm amused easily)

I ran at a 10 min mile pace the whole way. Although some people might think that is not running!! I felt pretty good until mile 6 at which point I struggled with keeping down my waffles. Today I feel mostly good, except my ancles and knees ache. Oh, I was also passed out by a little tired!!

Beccarigg said...

WOO HOO!! 6 miles is a HUGE accomplishment. How many people can say that they went running for an HOUR! That's big, and William Hung pose worthy for sure!