Sunday, March 28, 2010

Yes, yes it is, thank you for asking....

I'm going to give myself another little pat on the back because:

1.Yes, this will make it twice in a row that we had time to take pictures before church -AND- we were even early to church.

2. Yes, I am trying to show off my !!New Bed!!

But first, lets go back to the number one yes. Our whole family got extra dolled up this Sunday to celebrate Easter. Easter? Yes, I know it is a week early, but next week will be Conference, so we will be watching church on the laptop and will have no one to dress up for but ourselves. For those of you not LDS, Conference is a bi-annual event where we stay at home and tune into sessions of church aka Conference held by our church leaders in Utah. Don't Jack and Max look extra manly in their pink shirts? They picked them out, promise. You probably didn't notice, but I'm the only one not wearing pastels. I searched high and low in my closet, but don't own anything in the egg dye color family, sorry!

Now onto yes number two: Jackson is turning eight next month and has decided to get baptized. Being baptized in our church is a big deal and so both sets of Grandparents will be flying out for this momentous occasion. I seized this opportunity and easily manipulated John into getting a king size bed! (so we will have two spares for visitors) I'm so glad we upgraded to a king...I've never slept so good in my life!

I love this last pic for so many reasons. It captures my kids personalities all too well. Jackson is a little over stimulated, Max is not even going to pretend to be enthused, and Sadie is wishing someone would rescue her from her crazy bro's. Happy early Easter everyone!


It's Not Your Fault! said...

Great family shots! Sadie is certainly making a lasting impression on those boys... you can see how they revere her!

Beccarigg said...

Lol! Love your description of that last shot! Too cute! And now I want a king sized bed. Thanks a lot Jamie! ; )

Hot Diggity Daws said...

Love the Easter pics!!! Seriously Jamie, you need some light pink STAT!! What is going on here???? So sweet, the planets aligned today, way to capture the miracle!

Hot Diggity Daws said...

P.S. We actually all sported blue today. Who would've known one little girl could bring so much pink to a household? Love it.

Renae said...

Congrats on the new bed!
I don't know how any married couple could sleep on anything smaller, even if you really do love each and like to cuddle.
King all the way baby!

emily said...

So cute. Can I come too?

John said...

When it comes to beds, you don't have to manipulate me! ;)

Douglas Family said...

Love the pictures, and we are so excited for Jackson. Can't believe the kids are getting so old.

Adrianne said...

King size bed, I am so jealous! What a beautiful family! Congrats on the running and training! It is amazing how each week you can go a little farther than you did before and before you know it your running 13!