Monday, September 14, 2009

On why working out just isn't working out

Because anytime I workout and am heading home around lunchtime this is the conversation I have with my need to loose 15 pound self: Great workout self, it's cool if you swing by Wendy's as long as you get the small size combo, lets face it, it's waaay better than fast food, it's Wendy's.

I'm almost positive that if I just stayed home, skipped the workout and Wendy's altogether and just ate a PB&J I would loose weight faster.


Cameron and Wendy said...

Isn't that the terrible part of working just makes you rationalize all the food you eat AFTER! I am definitely guilty of that! :)

Beccarigg said...

Yeah I hear ya sister! I work out like a nut and still have love handles. Curse you chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream! GET OUT OF MY FREEZER AND LEAVE ME ALONE!! (I didn't mean that, stay, I need you, don't go...) yeah, that's MY problem ; )

The Osborne Family said...

I saw an article recently on that very thing and it made me totally depressed. Exercise boosts your appetite, which makes you want to eat more (even if it's a freaking one-pound bag of vegetables which won't fill you up, by the way), which replaces all those calories you just burned. Ugh. But you look great, Jamie, so eat some more Wendy's value meals and make me feel better!

Hot Diggity Daws said...

Osborne made me chuckle. That is funny...the picture you posted doesn't look like the small... Just Kidding! My cousin likes to say, "If you make your value menu large, it will make you large." Come on now. It is tempting to stop off for delicious food. I try to opt for a sub instead, worked for Jared right?!!

Final words: I've seen how you eat, you hardly eat anything. I know you'll be fine. Besides, you can just keep sharing all those calories with Sadie you lucky duck!!

Douglas Family said...

I feel you on this one!