Sunday, June 13, 2010

If I were to Change the World

By: Jackson Parrish

I'd cancel:
1. Math
4. tics

There would be
2.More popcorn shrimp
3.More buttered popcorn

You wouldn't have:
1. chicken patties
2. bad guys
3. snow
4. to do your homework

If I were in charge:
1. A piece of candy would be fruit
2. All PG13 movies would be G
3. A person who sometimes forgets to brush and flush.......
Would still be allowed to be in charge of the world.

1 comment:

Hot Diggity Daws said...

The boys and I thought this was pretty funny. Brian thought it was pretty funny that "People who forget to brush and flush could be king of the world." This may actually be true, their wives and mothers just don't tell us about it.